
検索キーワード「未来日記 12th」に一致する投稿を表示しています

++ 50 ++ 月島狩人 199198-月島狩人 声優

As shown when he cooked them steak and give them thirtyyearold wine for dinner, while he himself was content with eating cup ramen He is the owner of the Rearing diary, which allows him to check on the status of his beloved dogs and control them in squads via voice commands The制作会社 アスリード 声優 天野雪輝(1st)・・・富樫美鈴我妻由乃(2nd)・・・村田知沙火山高夫(3rd)・・・土門仁来須圭悟(4th)・・・田中正彦豊穣礼佑(5th)・・・真田アサミ春日野椿(6th)・・・仙台エリ戦場マルコ(7th)・・・関智一美神愛(7th)・・・桑谷夏子上下かまど(8th)・・・今野宏美雨流우류 미네네 편제11화 ムルムル刑事のご出勤 西島真澄編 무루무루 형사의 출근 니시지마 마스미 편 코시카 리에 제12화 4thのいきさつ 来須圭悟編 4th의 사정 쿠루스 サバイバルアニメ 人類の脅威から生き残れ アニメ35選 アキバ総研 月島狩人 声優